01 Brand
A solid brand is a foundational and critical component to a successful marketing strategy. Whether building a brand from scratch, developing a refreshed look and feel, or redefining brand purpose, clients look to Gigasavvy’s agency expertise to build and maintain powerful strategies that inspire raving fans and long term loyalty.
- Market Research
- Brand Positioning Strategy
- Brand Identity & Design
- Brand Architecture
- Brand Management
02 Experience
Today, we experience a brand across an ever-growing list of touchpoints that require a balance of innovation and consistency. We use our agency expertise to build unique and compelling experiences across digital and traditional channels, aimed to compel target audiences to engage, take interest, and ultimately become repeat customers.
- Go-to-Market Strategy
- Customer Journey Mapping
- Event & Experience Design
- Website/UI/UX Design
- Packaging & Physical Assets
03 Creative
As humans continue to be exposed to 5,000+ ads per day, the creative bar has been raised to earn our audiences’ attention and trust. The best creative starts with an idea that embodies authenticity, emotional maturity, and empathy, with a healthy dose of entertainment. From cross channel creative production, to integrated campaign development, we develop ideas designed to outlast trends and remain true to the brand its representing.
- Creative Strategy
- Concept & Campaign Design
- Content & Storytelling
- Design & Copy Production
- Integrated Campaigns
04 Studio
STUDIO4 is our integrated content production studio at Gigasavvy. We dedicate ourselves to crafting compelling brand experiences across channels and platforms that impact audiences where they are by creating memorable moments that leave lasting impressions. Every brand has a unique story to tell and we are experts at tapping into your audience’s core human truth to produce content in a style and voice that is authentically yours.
- Commercial Production
- Branded Content
- Social Media Content
- Video & Photography
- Motion Graphics & Animation

AOR/Retained Service
Let us be your outsourced marketing arm. Whether it’s for a specific area (“Can you handle my digital?”) or for all your marketing needs, we can structure a retainer model that works for you.

Experienced Project Team
Your team is solid, but you’re looking for help with a special project; maybe it’s a new video, market research, or a new brand launch. We can define a project staffed with subject matter experts to meet your immediate needs.

Marketing Audit & Consultation
Sometimes, you need a second opinion. Lean on our cross-industry expertise to help you determine the best strategy to help your business and brand grow.

Hybrid Service Models
One-size-fits-all never fits anyone well. Let’s have a conversation about how we can form a partnership that works for both of us.