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Marketing and Brand Strategy

How to Create a Winning Strategy

Marketing, Branding, Strategy 12.22.23Reading Time 2 minutes


What does this word even mean? It almost seems like a buzzword these days. But, while some things are, in fact, trends meant to fizzle as fast as they flame, some things are actually solid, age-old truths that we just happen to be paying more attention to right now.

Strategy is one of those things.

Strategy: A plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim. 

It’s unlikely that anyone would refute the value of a good strategy. When you are investing thousands to millions of dollars in your business, you would expect that it comes with a solid plan of action that will achieve your aim. Otherwise, what’s the point? 

The challenge is that strategy takes time. And a little patience. Much like the blueprint and foundation of a house, there is a lot of unseen progress before the first exciting wall goes up. As brands are feeling the pressures of budget cuts and increased expectations, the temptation to forgo the unseen and jump straight into tactics can often take over. Agencies wanting to close the deal are not immune to this temptation, and the result is a very flashy, semi-productive campaign that doesn’t actually move the needle. 

Re-Thinking Strategy

Traditionally, business strategy sat with the CEO, operations and finance executives, and marketing and advertising were siloed out. Marketing was simply brought in afterwards to sell the strategy to consumers. With the advent of social media and consumer driven marketing, the role of CMO has almost entirely shifted from campaign management to impact management.

Consumers want to know more than just the product or service- they want to know the heart of a company and its leaders. Marketing now owns huge company leadership considerations such as DEI, sustainability, and social impact. While this can feel at times daunting, it’s actually great news for business leaders. You can now grow your bottom line simply by showing up authentically each day. Strategy is now less about creating a message, and more about curating and leveraging the message that your team is already bringing to life with every customer interaction.

Re-Thinking Marketing 

When we rethink marketing as an investment rather than an expense, the focus shifts. Marketing is not about spending dollars to megaphone your message; it’s about using creative problem solving to move your business forward with the support and revenue from your customers. 

Whether the solution is product, operations, service, marketing, advertising, branding, etc, it all comes down to creative problem solving. When your strategy is steeped in a focus on your customers’ needs, wants and motivations, you will hit your target more quickly, efficiently, accurately, and impactfully. Every time. 

Gigasavvy creates winning brand, marketing, campaign and content strategies that position brands for long-term success. Connect with us to chat about how we can help you take your business forward. 


Melissa Zarb

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